Teachers and Musicians
A selection of old favorites and new treats
Please visit our Instagram and Facebook group
(This list will be continuously updated throughout the spring)
Sky Akasha Tobias (June 2-9)
“What a wonderful journey yoga has provided!” It’s been 29 years of keeping the practices alive in my life, learning about the inner journey and understanding the whole. In the early days I tried every style I could find, fast and slow, athletic and still, eventually it led to Sama Yoga, free from extremes and with balance in all aspects of life. This is what I teach and what I live. Marriage and having a child have only enhanced my devotion for yoga and receiving gracefully all that is. Teaching Sama Yoga is always an honour and a blessing.
Canelle Chinmayi Joachim (June 5-9)
I teach Satyananda Yoga, a yoga tradition that belongs to classical yoga. Satyananda Yoga is based on a solid knowledge of and insight into human nature. Within Satyananda Yoga, we convey the tools we humans need to be able to live our lives as constructively, creatively and balanced as possible, and we do extensive work to adapt yoga to everyday life. Yoga provides an inspiring, interesting and intelligent perspective on man and life and the Satyananda tradition shows, among other things, that it is simplicity that carries the potential for deep and far-reaching transformation.
During the festival I will give yoga classes with both basic and in-depth physical exercises. I will also hold a class with an introduction to meditation.
Zion Ivarsson (June 5-9)
I am an artist in the field of Visionary art and a teacher in creative processes and liberating painting. I see the creative process as a way to heal oneself, process events and be able to find new ways forward. A way to create an understanding of oneself, one’s inner life and the environment we live in. Painting and creating is an active meditation that brings you closer to yourself.
During the festival, I will lead workshops in liberating painting with different themes and starting points. Healing arts-healing processes through symbolic language. Rhythm and paint to live music. Connection through art-creating group exercises where we get closer to each other through the images we create. Intuitive art-intuitive painting where we explore our creative side.
I will also join with Canelle lead Nyabinghi drumchanting during the festival.
You do not need prior knowledge of art and painting to participate in the workshops. Material and color are available on site.
Zion website: www.zionivarsson.se
Boris and Nina Snäll
Boris sees humor as one of the most important tools for inner development. His broad background from Kung Fu, Circus, Gymnastics and Dance inspires and makes his courses entertaining and with a refreshing feeling. Everything we perceive as challenges turns into play when we feel safe in a welcoming environment. Change happens in every moment and Boris honors that process in every class by balancing the right amount of challenge and playfulness. Everyone is welcome to take part in the journey.
Nina is the mother of three children, yoga teacher, doula, baby coach. She has worked with yoga, acrobatics and massage for a large part of her life. You can ask her anything. She is an open book.
At Space of Love, she will above all share wonderful acroyoga that brings us closer to each other and the game.Jem “Chan Phap Ho” (May 31-June 9)
Jem left a legal career in Stockholm to live as a monk for 18 years in the Plum Village Community of Engaged Buddhism in France and California. Jem has been a Dharma teacher since 2010 and Zen master and peace activist. Thich Nhat Hahn is his teacher. During his years as a monk, he has met and taught thousands of fellow human beings who sought development and guidance in their lives and inner journeys. In the fall of 2018, Jem himself suffered a major life trial when he was diagnosed with cancer. The incident caused him to look back to his roots in Sweden and since 2020 Jem has left life as a monk. He has continued to dedicate his life to working as a Dharma teacher and contributing to more love and awareness in the world.
Jem will lead meditation, qigong and workshops in the art of living in the present during this year’s festival. Jem will also hold a workshop together with his wife Emma Dinmali. In this workshop, deep presence and Buddhist teaching are at the foundation as we can let any pain inside us rise to the surface and be released with the support of EFT tapping and other techniques. In a safe community, we can recognize ourselves in each other and contribute to each other’s healing. Step by step we can become more present and enjoy each moment. Jem currently works under Hjärtats Glädje where blog, courses and retreats are offered: https://hjartatsgladje.se/
Emma Dinmali (May 31-June 9)
Emma Dinmali did the Osho terapeut training in Pune, India 2002 and since 2003 she facilitates family constellations. Some years ago she got the education for TRE – Tension and Trauma Release Exercises. She teaches how TRE activates the natural inner shaking mechanism that releases old and new stress and tensions trapped in the body and nervous system. Emma Dinmali is also certified in EFT tapping and at the festival she will show how to tap with your fingers on meridian points on your body to calm the nervous system and break limiting beliefs.
Elin Ljuset Scott (May 31-June 9)
Elin is a dedicated children’s yogi responsible for the activities for the children and teenagers at the festival. She has many years of experience working with youth’s development supporting them towards a life in harmony. Elin is a certified sama-, yin- and kids yoga teacher and has a master in pedagogics. Within the Swedish Church Elin offers yoga, meditation and life coaching circles for young women and is in charge of kids’ choirs and creative activities. At Space of Love, she offers activities for the children at the festival ages 4-12. Some of the activities she offers are yoga, games, forest and beach activities, storytelling, singing, dancing, acrobatics, sweat lodge for kids, crafts, drawing and more. As one of the co-creators of the festival she welcomes everyone to the festival -especially the children!
David Hawtin (June 5-9)
David is a Life Coach, Meditation Leader, Men’s Group facilitator, conscious breathing instructor, liberating dance leader and lifestyle advisor. He is passionate about helping people develop and find balance and health in life. He loves holding groups and holding space for people where they can get in touch with themselves and their true nature together and experience “connection and unity”.
David’s biggest drive in life is to find balance for himself and within his own life and to help other people find their balance in life.
The Haka (challenge or dance) is an indigenous warrior dance from New Zealand.
The first hakas were created and performed by different M?ori tribes in New Zealand as a war dance. It is an ancestral war cry. It was performed on the battlefields to scare their opponents and to give themselves courage and strength.
Over time, the haka evolved and it came to be used for communities to come together and it as a symbol for community and strength. Both males and females can perform a haka, as long as it is performed with all the seriousness and respect that it deserves and that the performers are aware of what they are doing and what it means.
In this workshop we will learn to perform the actions and words of the Haka and its meaning. We will tap into our inner warrior energy to bring forth the spirit of courage and strength that we all have within us to help us to manifest our heart and souls deepest purpose, to overcome obstacles, fears and doubts and to stand in our full power! Through performing as a group we will experience combined strength, energy and community. We are strong in our power but together we are invincible!
KIA KAHA (Stay strong)
Sanna Akasha Tobias (June 7-11)
My calling in life is to study Yogic/Vedic wisdom and integrate it into every part of my life; How we find inner peace, harmony and freedom, regardless of external circumstances. I found meditation and soon after yoga, when I was 16 years old, and since then have had a daily practice that has helped me immensely as I have gone through life’s twists and turns. However, it was only when I found Traditional Vedanta, in 2008, that I felt that my search had truly found answers. Since then I have had the immense privilege of spending many months of the year with my teachers Swamiji and Radha. They have very patiently helped me understand what it means to find a home within myself, to find inner freedom, to understand what the ancient Upanishads want to show us, that this ancient knowledge is as relevant and sought after today as it was a thousand years ago. In my journey through life – as a yoga teacher, engineer, and now also a mother, this knowledge and tools have been absolutely invaluable to me, and I am therefore passionate about sharing them with others who are interested in healing, development and moksha – freedom.
Together with my husband Sky, I run Sama Yoga, holistic retreats and Yoga teacher trainings where we integrate yoga’s life skills and tools with the physical yoga exercises that make body and soul feel good.
David Hirtenstein (May 31-June 9)
David is a travelling Thai Massage Therapist, Yoga Teacher and co founder of The Intimacy Project.
In 2013 he quit his job and decided to walk from Europe to India, following the path of the heart. Working with the natural intelligence of the body, combining the practices of Thai Massage, Hatha Yoga and Qi Gong, he is dedicated to the practical application of spiritual practice in life. David shares according to the needs of each individual, taking great joy in supporting others towards authentic self-expression and connection with their bodies.
The body is the mirror of the mind, and there is great healing through the therapeutic power of breath led movement, balanced with stillness in pranayama and meditation. Merging this with release through Thai Massage, Nature takes care of everything else.
At the festival he will be sharing workshops on the sacred dance of Thai massage and the art of loving touch, as well as offering private sessions.
Inaya Oakroot (May 31-June 9)
Cesilia is the creator of the transformative books “This Creative Existence – Unfolding a new conscious world” and “Dreamstate – Where you bring forth your being”. Through the arts she weaves our senses into inner travels. She connects the eye of the artist and the language of the poet to crawl behind the three-dimensional image of the world, into transformation.
To the Space of Love Festival, she brings her crystal singing bowls, her drum and her voice in overtones. Her guided meditations take you into your own divinity and your ability to create your life in resonance with the Cosmic flow.
She will also offer Soul Realignment sessions, a healing purification that clears negative karmic blockages from previous lives and the present one.
Roland Nahringbauer (June 5-9)
Roland is a kundalini yoga teacher and has helped lead Aquarian Sadhana on the beach at sunrise during many previous festivals. This will also be the case this year during the festival’s first weekend, when you have the opportunity to come into direct contact with the soul’s qualities of love, fearlessness and inner satisfaction. In addition to kundalini yoga, he will offer a circle for men together with Andreas Karlsson. They collaborate to create retreats and other events to support men in personal development and increased well-being. Roland is also happy to share his enthusiasm for and knowledge of board sports such as wingfoling and surf skating. But be warned, it can be addictive :).
Web: www.yogiontheroad.se
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Yogi-On-The-Road-103739071964833
Frida & Julia Malmquist – Sweet Sound Sisters (May 31-June 9)
What would life be without music? Song, rhythms and tones are our life-breath, medicine, and true expression.
“I play and sing rather than talk. From a very young age, music has always been a big part of my life. From music education of various kinds and participation in many different constellations such as big bands, rock bands, blues and jazz bands. To now in recent years found another musical expression and creation through sound healing. Where with my voice and my beautiful instruments I can reach people deeply for healing and transformation, letting them travel in their inner worlds and be lulled into a sleepy state in my Healing Concerts. I am a trained Yoga teacher, masseuse, musician and Sound healer” – Frida
Together with my sister Julia we call ourselves the “Sweet Sound Sisters”
Our sound-healing sessions are heartfelt, warm, exciting and sometimes emotional. We want to take you to places inside you where you can meet your hidden treasures. Where you get to feel alive and vibrant. And where you get to experience that you are held and supported and can rest safely within yourself. You will listen to, and receive, long, extended tones from sounding and crystal bowls. Deep and pulsating rhythms from drums and other percussion. Soothing melodies from The Native American Flute. And medicine songs, mantras and chants that touch the depths of your heart.
Mark Reeves (May 31-June 4)
Mark Reeves Dip, MA. is an integrative coach & therapist who has been running courses and workshops in self-awareness and therapeutic healing for over 25 years. He creates a uniquely safe environment where people can fully be themselves and explore all that is within them, in a way that feels engaging, fun and natural.
“I love creating opportunities for people to be real and authentic, opening themselves to discover more of who they really are. My focus and interest is on all the ways we create separation between ourselves and others and how we can open to a different possibility in which we are connected and at one with each other and our world.” His workshops are held in English.
Paula Nygren
Paula Nygren at Lust in Life is an experienced tantra teacher, passionate sexibility coach and tantra masseur. She is appreciated for her cheerful manner and for how she easily creates a loving and safe space where you can expand, heal and experience more joy in life. She guides to be more in touch with the body and shows the way into the magic of tantra. Paula wants to inspire you to be your authentic self. Paula is based on the west coast of Sweden where she provides private sessions for both singles and couples. Since 2013 she facilitates beautiful tantra courses for couples and together with her partner she has a 1-year training for couples: “Sacred Union-Tantric Training for Couples”. She also has a longer training for women: “Women Rising- Tantric Training for the Modern Goddess” and many other workshops. She has been organizing the Gothenburg Tantra Festival since 2019.
Julia Snöljus (June 2-9)
Julia Snöljus, who runs Aluna Yoga, is a trained yoga teacher (sama yoga, womb yoga, yin fascial yoga, women’s embodiment, embodied yin), meditation teacher, grounding guide, women’s circle leader and has been gathering for circles and ceremonies since 2018. She has spent many years diving deep into the mysteries of the female body and the female psyche and also has a long background as a student of Vedanta, the doctrine of non-dualism. Her way of working is based on a holistic and cyclical thinking about the body, and a non-dualistic way of seeing life. Julia holds workshops, courses and retreats in Portugal, Kalmar/Öland and online. Through the Wild Woman Rebirth online course, she has guided many women to stand in their power, awaken their inner wild woman and blossom into their full authentic being. At the festival, she will hold workshops for women in embodiment, yoga and women’s circles.
You can find Julia on instagram here: www.instagram.com/yourwildnature
And on Facebook: www.facebook.com/omalunayoga
Malin Wendel (June 1-9)
“Expect nothing, look forward to everything!” These words are written in so-called automatic writing and the message sums up a curious, trusting attitude to life, for example when we step into the Space of Love bubble. Malin works with personal development on various levels; as a mental trainer, as an inspirer and via the written word as an author. The spiritual guidance exists as a pillar of light, rather than a red thread, through all the ways to help others (and oneself) to heal and grow.
During the festival week, Malin will offer workshops in intuitive writing. She shares concrete tips that facilitate flow writing and guides participants into a connected state to welcome the words that want to come out.
Sven Kihlström (June 2-6)
Sven is a musician working with the primal sounds in his instruments in order to reconnect with the origin of creation.
He keeps n touch with the wisdom of the sun and moon cycles, while nature’s plants and animals provide inspiration for song and music.
The Mother Earth drum invites you to sing, drum and dance on the earth.
Magnus Nilsson
My name is Magnus Nilsson and I teach Hathayoga and Qigong.
I am trained by the Kerala yoga teacher Balachandran through the Swedish health team’s 3-year hatha yoga training and have further trained in yoga philosophy and hatha yoga in India and Europe. I also teach an eclectic form of Qigong, influenced by different styles and teachers. Yoga has followed me through life since my first trip to India in 1996 and I have since then continued to spread the knowledge of yoga like healing rings on the water to different people.
What can you expect from my yoga classes? A traditional but specially designed variant of Hathayoga with the aim of uniting movement, breathing and consciousness into a harmonious unity, often with a focus on developing the spiritual qualities of the heart. Concludes with beneficial relaxation and meditation on loving-kindness to self and others- Metta bhavana.
I live with my family, partner and son in Uddebo in Västra Götaland, where I work as a visual artist, yoga instructor and assistant nurse.
Arvid Divra (May 31-June 9)
Music gives us strength, joy and weaves us together. With several instruments, I want to contribute so that we can dance, sing and meet in music!
Andreas has studied shamanism for the past 12 years through Meditation, Breathwork (Yoga), Ayurveda, Qi gong, Chinese Medicine, Herbal Medicine, Food as Medicine, Primal Movement & Nervous System Regulation – Neurogenic tremors – in focus. A wide spectrum of perspectives to understand all sides of how we heal & strengthen body & soul. Today he teaches & guides clients in various forms as well as lifestyle/nutrition advice, via Brown Bear Yoga Studio Årsta, Stockholm, online & on the road. During the last seven years, he has practiced a diet of Swedish and foreign wild nature, as well as a ceremonial approach to life. At Space of Love 2024 he serves medicine in a workshop format – Brown Bear Yoga Release – breathwork-nervous system regulation-nidra. As well as offering counseling for healing & strengthening body, mind & soul.
Insa Korth (May 31-June 9)
Insa has been sharing her gift as a space holder and Reiki Master internationally since 2009. Since then, she has deepened and evolved her knowledge in the energy & healing modalities. Insa is certified in various disciplines of yoga, pranayama & sound therapy. She leads women’s circles and other energetic ceremonies.
Insa also incorporates humming techniques as your own healing power. Her Sound journeys are intuitive and involve various instruments, and mantra chanting.
Originally from Germany, Insa lived in Australia for over a decade where she ran her own yoga studio, and currently lives in Sweden.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/insa_korth
Morning Bliss Frequency
Sound Journey to awaken your senses. Start your day with a journey to your soul. Let yourself be bathed in various Sounds of crystal bowls (and maybe gong). Allow the frequencies to tickle your senses, awaken what wants to be seen and open your heart to the transforming workshops ahead.
Humming for the Heart
Humming & Mantra Chanting Journey with Instruments. Connect to the healing power of your own voice through humming. We will explore by humming several tones and Bij Mantras, and join in Mantra alll together. Allow yourself to feel
Meet your shadow through Gong
Gongs have a powerful frequency that can reach you within on a deep part of your shadow. The gong polarises; it is either loved or disliked. Especially if you dislike it, this frequency is probably needed more than anything for you.
Felix Berglund (May 31- June 9)
Felix is a man who devotes his life to achieving a deep connection with himself, the world as a whole and other individuals. Through inner journeys and physical locations around the world, he has explored what it means to be human. His feminine energy, such as intuition, self-love, reflection, empathy and emotion, has been a guiding light in the early part of his life. Through initiation into men’s work, the active masculine energy took hold in Felix’s system and he realized that his years of inner work were something he wanted to share with other men. At the festival, Felix will hold men’s circles.
Felix is a certified hypnotherapist, trained yoga teacher and men’s group facilitator. He has several trainings in hypnosis, which is a powerful tool for change in life. Hypnosis has become Felix’s way of helping people. He radiates an aura of calm around him and has a passion for the healing effect of sound. He loves creating sound baths and holding sound healing.
Eva Dunder (May 31-June 9)
At the festival, Eva will give workshops, songs, concerts and hold the Open Stage. There will be live mid-day lunch concerts, tell us if you want to perform. The workshops Eva offers are:
– Open Heart Jam: An intuitive improvised journey through sounding, singing, playing, sharing, and dancing.
– Intuitive Expressive Song: Playful sound/song exercises and intuitive singing and chanting together.
– West African Inspired Dance with live drums: Shake your body and release a lot of toxins and inhale more energy and joy in your life!
Eva is also giving a concert with the high energy boost world-reggae band Mamma Dunder!
Anja Giermann (June 6-9)
Medium, dog trainer and artist
Anja was born and raised on Öland and has been loyal to the island all her life. She started her business, Butik Nyfiken, 27 years ago and has since worked with medial counselling and meditation, through various forms of mindfullness walks. Nowadays, she works with individual sessions and above all as an instructor for dog owners. She also works with furniture art, holds creative courses and has been playing the didgeridoo for a couple of years.
Anja is passionate about inspiring people to dare new things and to bring out their creativity. During the festival, she will hold workshops on the theme: Try the didgeridoo! How does one of the world’s oldest instruments sound? How do you produce the sounds and how does circular breathing work? Many happy laughs are promised and the earthy and ancient vibrations will take you on new discoveries. You will also be able to meditate freely, through a quiet sound journey.
Website: www.butiknyfiken.se
Facebook: Ateljé Nyfiken och Full Fart Hundkurser
Magnus Bengtsson
At the festival Magnus invites children, youth and adults to his circus school. He is an appreciated circus artist and has many years of experience working with children and youth. Magnus teaches the art with much joy and inspiration and with the attitude that there is something for everyone to learn. He is from Falkenberg and founded Magnus Circus School in year 2005. In his school you will learn the fundamental techniques of juggling will balls, rings, devil sticks, diablo, stilts, line dance, acrobatics and clownery. “In circus everyone finds their thing!”, Magnus says. At the end of the Circus school a circus performance will be held for the participants that whish to part take.
For more on Magnus, please see the video
“Magnus cirkusskola”.
John leo Carter May 31- June 9)
I write songs as a reflection of my life and feelings. Music is a form of meditation. I am very grateful to have completed two studio albums and currently working on my third.
My music has been described as pure poetry “I hear a song in the wind Secrets left untold riddles unraveled mysteries unfold”
I would like to take my listeners on a journey out on the ocean and beyond the unbeeten track to a place of reflection and peace. The clours of the sea remind me who I should be.
Jarno Kinnunen (June 6-9 juni)
Jarno is a grounded breathwork and tantra facilitator and who guides you deep into yourself. His deep presence supports you to release stuck emotions an blockages in your system.
To free more space in you to let in more joy and pleasure. To be the fully alive version of you that you are longing to be.
Jarno does individual- and group breathwork and bodywork sessions in Gothenburg, Malmö and Oslo.
Together with his partner Paula Nygren they have a couples training called Sacred Union and weekend retreats for couples.
He is one of the co-teachers on “Tantric Breathwork-Tantrapulsation” training with Smrati Skog.
More info www.newlevel.nu Contact: hello@newlevel.nu
Henrik Bengtsson (June 6-9)
Henrik has for many years led courses in tantra and men’s groups and also has experience in dance, massage and shamanic work. He is an artistic and creative soul, who this year participates in the festival for the 17th year. This year, Henrik will hold a man’s group and a workshop in needle felting.
Men’s workshop.
We meet in the circle where we explore the theme: Your inner leader in life.
We explore different issues and share thoughts and feelings with each other about being a man and the mystery of life…
Needle felting Is a creative technique that is easy to learn, where you tie wool together with a felting needle and can sculpt fine figures. For CHILDREN and Adults. (A small cost for material.)
Eva Cederblad (June 49)
Eva collects songs from all over the world that she likes to share with others. Simple chants and mantras that are easy to remember and absorb. They increase our love and compassion for ourselves, each other and for the Earth, our Divine mother. Singing together from the heart is incredibly powerful, empowering and healing. We get closer to one another and have a lot of fun together! No previous experience is required. Joyful and healing.
Hanieh Namvar (June 6-9)
Hanieh is a breath coach, Tantra Therapist and de-armouring practitioner. She lived many years abroad but always with a base in Gothenburg. She started her spiritual practice in 2014 when she discovered plant medicine, meditation and yoga.
She feels passionate to guide others to expand body awareness through Breathwork and Tantra. She supports individuals to connect with themselves, release and expand. She has done a healing journey to deal with shame, guilt and people pleasing. She gives a lot of place to inner listening, heart connection and authenticity in her classes.
Johanna HariSant Cederstam
Johanna HariSant is an international Kundalini Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master, Shakti School Facilitator and Vegan Chef.Hari Sants spiritual journey begun after being hit with a bus riding her bike to work in NYC 2011.Through the ancient teachings of Kundalini Yoga, she healed much of her physical pain with her daily yoga practice, steady intention and deep prayer. She began to rediscover her injured body and live a conscious lifestyle. Through the teachings of Kundalini Yoga she healed her nervous system and learned practices that support her injured spine.
Johanna HariSant has studied and keeps studying different lineages such as Hatha- Ayurveda -and Kundalini Yoga, crystal healing and Reiki. She is a supportive trainer for KRI Level 1 teacher Trainings in Kundalini Yoga as well as part of the team of Shaktischool- a womens circle facilitator training.
“My mission on earth is to heal myself.
To rise from darkness to light
My intention is to share the teachings that have helped me with others so I can uplift and be of service. As a healer I am to create a sacred space for healing to happen.
HariSant is holding women’s retreats in Europe and USA. She teaches kundalini yoga online and is currently creating a women’s retreat center in at the High Coast in Sweden. Beside yoga teacher she is a Vegan chef and reiki master.
Read more about HariSant : www.harisantharmony.com
Mohammed AlJakhbir (May 31-June 9)
My name is Mohammed AlJakhbir, I’ve been practicing Parkour since 2005 and I’m the founder of Parkour in Palestine. I’ve lived in Sweden for 10 years now and work as a Parkour coach in Karlshamn. This sport is my passion, it’s where I feel happy and free. At the Space of Love festival, I’ll be offering Parkour training for ages from 6 and above, giving everyone the chance to try Parkour and learn how to overcome obstacles. Parkour is a sport that teaches you to connect your mind and body with the environment through movements on obstacles.Beatrice Anada Nilsson (June 3-9)
GONG may be the oldest instrument in the world. It is the sound that created the world. The sound within all sounds. It takes you to your inner true self and gives you the feeling of “coming home.”
Beatrice is a Certified World Peace Gong player, She discovered yoga in France in 1988. She met SKY during the summer of 2007 and it was the start of her Yoga Teacher Training in Sama Yoga.
Beatrice heard the healing sounds of the Gongs in 2011. She got gonged!
Since 2012 she has taken several gong/yoga courses with Don Conreaux, Methab Benton, and Tom Soltron. Abbey del Sol, Gong Academy, Jens Zygar, Gongmuse Mojcs Morya Malek, Martin Bläse, Karin Gibson ….
Beatrice leads pujas, gong therapy, gong healing, yoga Nidra with gong, YinYoga with gong, Sama Yoga, medi-Yoga, qigong, flyng yoga, Board Yoga (SUP), Sound Yoga – always with the Gongs. She also plays several other instruments.
Bea is a teacher in “The art of playing the gong”
She just LOVES playing the gongs.
Mouschka Shanta Drouzy (May 31-June 9)
Being a double entrepreneur offering services she hasn’t been schooled in, Mouschka comes with an energy of daring to jump into the new & trust her capacity. Her passion is to help people step into the center of their own power, listen to their inner voice & communicate it with trust & openness. To assist people in releasing old encodings & finding their perfect spot in the world circle.
Mouschka’s shamanic training has come through the drum, her understanding of Reiki & from multiple workshops & ceremonies with western & indigenous shamans. All of it on a foundation of 27 years of self-development, a 2½ year therapeutical Life Coach training & many years at university.
Mouschka has been travelling Scandinavia with her drum journeys the last 10 years drumming for hundreds of people & is the co-owner of Mahalaya – Center for Holistic Growth in Göteborg.
She owes her path with the drums to one of those magical Space of Love meetings & is now coming back for the 11th time.
During the festival, Mouschka proposes a program of 3 workshops with the themes “Being True to Yourself”, “Freedom” & “Inner Child & Boundaries”.
In her “FreeYourself Coaching pavilion” at SoL, Mouschka offers private sessions “on donation from Spirit” – using a big tool box of methods to help you transcend emotional or physical pain & take the next step into your Life’s mission: Nature Therapy sessions with her own “Transformative Visualisation Coaching”, a psycho-energetic personal meditation therapy inspired by Gestalt therapy, Family constellation & Shamanism & “Inner Recoding Dialogue” to identify your hidden limiting beliefs, You can also try “Drum coaching” combining questions with private drum journey.
You can also book an ITeraCare wand treatment and sign up to win retreat.
Order your personal drum with crystals & magic symbols, hand-built by Mouschka or buy * Amouschka handmade totem jewellery *Ethical animal t-shirts * Special sages & aura-spays * Hear about & try the Amazonian anti-inflammatory Wild Apan mushroom elixir * Itera Care Magic Wand * Kangen Water.
www.instagram.com/FreeYourselfDrumming & www.facebook.com/groups/amouschkaandfriends
Anneli is an internationally certified Kundalini yoga teacher and meditation teacher. With a penchant for sound, vibration and mantra. She is dedicated and humble in her way of leading yoga, with a deep sensitivity to the subtle energy that moves through us all. Anneli has for several years held Aquarian Sadhana on the beach at sunrise at the festival. This year she will hold heart-opening and expanding yoga sessions.
Akasha Skaldeman (May 31-June 9)
Akasha, the overall facilitator of the festival, was born and raised in California.
She has been the organizer of the festival since 2005 and finds a great joy and purpose in this co-creation. She came originally to the festival as a belly dance teacher and a later as a facilitator of the Dances of Universal Peace. She would love to take the opportunity to share the circle dances from this deeply rich and now international tradition.